With a plant terrarium from urbanjngl, you get a real eyecatcher in your home or office. You do not need to have a green thumb or plant knowledge to enjoy this beautiful piece of nature in your home or office. Our plant terrariums are completely self-sufficient and watering is often only necessary a few times a year.
Size: Ø 25 cm ↑ 30 cm
A plant terrarium looks beautiful, is self-sufficient and sustainable. Moreover, it is also fun to put together your own piece of nature. A lovely Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kit with everything you need to put together your own plant terrarium. Get to work quickly to enjoy your own mini-jungle!
What’s in the package?
Cork with led light
Coffea arabica
Fittonia red/orange
Fittonia white
Plenty of fresh green moss
Hydro pellets
Activated carbon
Terrarium potting soil
Step-by-step plan for creating your closed terrarium
Care tips
Do-It-yourself packageOur plant terrariums come as a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) package. Upon receipt, you will assemble your new green friend in no time using the easy 5-step plan. But don't worry, everything you need to know about your plant terrarium is explained to you in 5 simple steps.
Sustainable patch of greenOur plants and mosses grow on a bed of love at our nursery. They are selected with the greatest care and undergo a quality check in our own plant workshop. So you can always assume that our plants and mosses are of the best quality and have taken the shortest possible route. So you can be sure of making a sustainable choice and we guarantee you the best quality you can enjoy for years to come.
Gift tipWe understand that you would prefer to keep our plant terrariums yourself, but they are also great fun to give as gifts. A family member, friend, colleague, business associate, acquaintance or maybe even the teacher: you will make them all equally happy.
Quick links to create an urban jungle
Terrarium plants
Moss products
Terrarium supplies
With a plant terrarium from urbanjngl, you get a real eyecatcher in your home or office. You do not need to have a green thumb or plant knowledge to enjoy this beautiful piece of nature in your home or office. Our plant terrariums are completely self-sufficient and watering is often only necessary a few times a year.
Size: Ø 25 cm ↑ 30 cm
A plant terrarium looks beautiful, is self-sufficient and sustainable. Moreover, it is also fun to put together your own piece of nature. A lovely Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kit with everything you need to put together your own plant terrarium. Get to work quickly to enjoy your own mini-jungle!
What’s in the package?
Cork with led light
Fittonia red/orange
Fittonia white
Plenty of fresh green moss
Hydro pellets
Activated carbon
Terrarium potting soil
Step-by-step plan for creating your closed terrarium
Care tips
Do-It-yourself packageOur plant terrariums come as a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) package. Upon receipt, you will assemble your new green friend in no time using the easy 5-step plan. But don't worry, everything you need to know about your plant terrarium is explained to you in 5 simple steps.
Sustainable patch of greenOur plants and mosses grow on a bed of love at our nursery. They are selected with the greatest care and undergo a quality check in our own plant workshop. So you can always assume that our plants and mosses are of the best quality and have taken the shortest possible route. So you can be sure of making a sustainable choice and we guarantee you the best quality you can enjoy for years to come.
Gift tipWe understand that you would prefer to keep our plant terrariums yourself, but they are also great fun to give as gifts. A family member, friend, colleague, business associate, acquaintance or maybe even the teacher: you will make them all equally happy.
Quick links to create an urban jungle
Terrarium plants
Moss products
Terrarium supplies
With a plant terrarium from urbanjngl, you get a real eyecatcher in your home or office. You do not need to have a green thumb or plant knowledge to enjoy this beautiful piece of nature in your home or office. Our plant terrariums are completely self-sufficient and watering is often only necessary a few times a year.
A plant terrarium looks beautiful, is self-sufficient and sustainable. Moreover, it is also fun to put together your own piece of nature. A lovely Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kit with everything you need to put together your own plant terrarium. Get to work quickly to enjoy your own mini-jungle!
What’s in the package?
Fittonia Ruby Lime or Pink Tiger
Hydro pellets
Activated carbon
Terrarium potting soil
Step-by-step plan for creating your closed terrarium
Care tips
Do-It-yourself packageOur plant terrariums come as a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) package. Upon receipt, you will assemble your new green friend in no time using the easy 5-step plan. But don't worry, everything you need to know about your plant terrarium is explained to you in 5 simple steps.
With a plant terrarium from urbanjngl, you get a real eyecatcher in your home or office. You do not need to have a green thumb or plant knowledge to enjoy this beautiful piece of nature in your home or office. Our plant terrariums are completely self-sufficient and watering is often only necessary a few times a year.
Size: Ø 17 cm ↑ 31 cm
A plant terrarium looks beautiful, is self-sufficient and sustainable. Moreover, it is also fun to put together your own piece of nature. A lovely Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kit with everything you need to put together your own plant terrarium. Get to work quickly to enjoy your own mini-jungle!
What’s in the package?
Cork with led light
Coffea arabica
Fittonia white
Plenty of fresh green moss
Hydro pellets
Activated carbon
Terrarium potting soil
Step-by-step plan for creating your closed terrarium
Care tips
Do-It-yourself packageOur plant terrariums come as a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) package. Upon receipt, you will assemble your new green friend in no time using the easy 5-step plan. But don't worry, everything you need to know about your plant terrarium is explained to you in 5 simple steps.
Sustainable patch of greenOur plants and mosses grow on a bed of love at our nursery. They are selected with the greatest care and undergo a quality check in our own plant workshop. So you can always assume that our plants and mosses are of the best quality and have taken the shortest possible route. So you can be sure of making a sustainable choice and we guarantee you the best quality you can enjoy for years to come.
Gift tipWe understand that you would prefer to keep our plant terrariums yourself, but they are also great fun to give as gifts. A family member, friend, colleague, business associate, acquaintance or maybe even the teacher: you will make them all equally happy.
Quick links to create an urban jungle
Terrarium plants
Moss products
Terrarium supplies
Terrario con Ficus Ginseng in un'esclusiva bottiglia di vetro a goccia
Con un terrario porti in casa un piccolo biotopo autosufficiente. L'acqua viene riciclata attraverso l'evaporazione, quindi l'irrigazione non è o quasi necessaria. Super trendy e conveniente, giusto? Lo pensavamo anche noi.
Dimensioni: Ø 29 cm ↑ 37 cm
Nessun pollice verde? Nessun problema! I nostri terrari si prendono totalmente cura di se stessi. In molti casi devi solo annaffiarli più volte all'anno. In questo modo, puoi goderti una vegetazione infinita a casa o in ufficio. Ottieni tutte le cose buone e nessuna cattiva!
I nostri mini ecosistemi sono davvero per tutti e si sentono a casa in ogni interno. Buono a sapersi; tutti i nostri ecosistemi vengono consegnati come kit fai-da-te, quindi dovrai assemblarlo da solo dopo averlo ricevuto. Ma ancora una volta non preoccuparti, perché spiegheremo tutto ciò che devi sapere sul tuo ecosistema in cinque passaggi.
Cosa è incluso?
Bicchiere con sughero (altezza 37 cm e diametro 29 cm)
Bonsai di ficus ginseng
Fittonia bianca
Fa rossoittonia
Diverse palline di muschio verde
Carbone attivo
Terreno per terrari
Ghiaia decorativa
Piano passo dopo passo: creare il tuo terrario
Personale, sostenibile ed educativo
Le nostre piante e muschi sono selezionati a mano dai coltivatori locali con la massima cura e amore. Qui vengono coltivati nel modo più sostenibile possibile. In questo modo, le piante nella tua bottiglia di vetro sono garantite per prosperare insieme e ti godrai il tuo ecosistema personale con le piante per molti anni a venire.
Impariamo facendo. Creando il tuo terrario con piante in bottiglia tu stesso o con i tuoi bambini impari a conoscere le varie sfaccettature della terra e quindi le basi della nostra esistenza in modo creativo. Pietra, terriccio, radici, piante, acqua e riciclaggio si uniscono in questo creativo eye-catcher per la tua casa.
Buono a sapersi
Lavoriamo con impianti certificati MPS e vetreria riciclata.
Le dimensioni ei colori delle piante vive possono variare.
È anche possibile che, a causa della stagione, una pianta nella foto non sia disponibile. In tal caso riceverai una bellissima alternativa.
Si consiglia di aprire il proprio ecosistema una volta al mese per alcune ore.
Consiglio regalo per il tuo amante, famiglia, amico o collega
Un grande regalo per il tuo amico verde, ma sicuramente anche per il tuo amico meno verde. Lui o lei non ha il pollice verde? Quindi segui tu stesso i cinque passaggi e realizzalo tu stesso per lui o per lei. Bella storia, vero?
Puoi lasciare che il tuo amico "Ho il pollice verde" capisca tutto da solo!
Regalalo come regalo di compleanno, regalo di inaugurazione della casa o qualsiasi altra occasione ti venga in mente. È un regalo diverso e unico. Questa volta regala la bottiglia ma tieni il liquore. Cioè, se riesci a regalarlo... Scommettiamo che questo speciale eye-catcher avrà un posto nel tuo interno in pochissimo tempo.
Guarda tutti i terrari e crea la tua giungla urbana!
Terrarium plant package - the basis for every terrarium
This Terrarium Plant Pack of 4 Plants is the perfect base for any terrarium. The package contains 4 different tropical plants, which together create a unique and colorful atmosphere in your terrarium. The plants have been specially selected to grow in a terrarium, which means they require little maintenance and are easy to maintain.
What's in the package?
Calathea Lancifoila - Peacock plant
Fittonia White Tiger - Mosaic plant
Fittonia Ruby Lime - Mosaic plant
Not all plants are i.v.m. available throughout the seasons. If a certain variety is not in stock at our grower, you will receive a suitable alternative.
This plant mister is an indispensable tool for plant care. The fine jet ensures that during sowing, the soil becomes damp without washing the seeds away. Simply spray the leaves of indoor and outdoor plants with this plant mister.
Controlled with one hand
Glass container
Capacity 0.2 litres
More urban jungle tips:
Indoor plants
Artificial plants
Home and interior items
Meet your new brown companion: the "Watering Can 'Wild Flower' - Brown S". Perfect for anyone who nurtures their plants with love (and a touch of style). This brown gem is your go-to for daily watering and also looks fabulous among your greenery. Small yet mighty, and just the thing to give your garden, balcony, or houseplants that extra special something.
Watering turns into a delight with the Wild Flower. Durability? Check! This watering can is crafted from sturdy materials for long-lasting enjoyment. Pamper your green oasis with the love it needs and let your plants glow with this beauty of a watering can.
With our 2 prints, it is always a surprise what you get. But it will always be perfect.
Seppellisci l'Olla L tra le piante in un bordo o in una fioriera. Dopo aver riempito d'acqua il vaso di terracotta, le radici delle piante attireranno l'acqua dal vaso. Questa forma di irrigazione può far risparmiare fino al 70% del consumo di acqua del giardino.
Facile da usare
Fatto a mano
Risparmia fino al 70% del consumo di acqua del giardino
Risparmia tempo
Non è possibile annaffiare troppo o troppo poco
Meno erbacce
Meno lumache
Garantisce una migliore struttura del suolo
Add some sunshine to your home with this decorative cushion. A colorful graphic pattern with yellow fringes make it easy to combine with every interior. Also it gives a fresh summer look.
50 x 50 cm
Colors: yellow, orange, green, multi
Material: cotton and polyester
Includes inner cushion with zipper
Wash inside out at a maximum of 30 degrees
Note: Do not tumble dry
Do-It-Yourself terrariums are often purchased together with our handy terrarium tools. So make it easy on yourself and add some terrarium tools to your shopping cart.