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Artificial plants

Artificial plants

People choose artificial plants for several reasons. One of these reasons is that an artificial plant cannot wilt and always remains beautiful. For example, you may want to put a plant or several plants in a place that is difficult to reach, such as in a shop window or in a high place.

354 prodotti

  • Terrarium DIY Kit - Fat Joe Green - Bottle Garden - ↑ 30 cm

    Terrarium DIY Kit - Fat Joe Green - Bottle Garden - ↑ 30 cm

    Terrarium with plants in glass bottle with cork   With a plant terrarium from urbanjngl, you get a real eyecatcher in your home or office. You do not need to have a green thumb or plant knowledge to enjoy this beautiful piece of nature in your home or office. Our plant terrariums are completely self-sufficient and watering is often only necessary a few times a year. Size: Ø 29 cm ↑ 30 cm A plant terrarium looks beautiful, is self-sufficient and sustainable. Moreover, it is also fun to put together your own piece of nature. A lovely Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kit with everything you need to put together your own plant terrarium. Get to work quickly to enjoy your own mini-jungle! What’s in the package?  Terrarium Plants; Asparagus Fern Fittonia Plenty of fresh green moss Hydro pellets  Activated carbon  Terrarium potting soil Step-by-step plan for creating your closed terrarium Care tips Do-It-yourself packageOur plant terrariums come as a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) package. Upon receipt, you will assemble your new green friend in no time using the easy 5-step plan. But don't worry, everything you need to know about your plant terrarium is explained to you in 5 simple steps. Sustainable patch of greenOur plants and mosses grow on a bed of love at our nursery. They are selected with the greatest care and undergo a quality check in our own plant workshop. So you can always assume that our plants and mosses are of the best quality and have taken the shortest possible route. So you can be sure of making a sustainable choice and we guarantee you the best quality you can enjoy for years to come.  Gift tipWe understand that you would prefer to keep our plant terrariums yourself, but they are also great fun to give as gifts. A family member, friend, colleague, business associate, acquaintance or maybe even the teacher: you will make them all equally happy. Quick links to create an urban jungle Terrariums Houseplants Terrarium plants Moss products Terrarium supplies  

  • Plant dusting gloves green - Microfiber

    Plant dusting gloves green - Microfiber

    Dust off your plants with these two green buddies! Ultra-soft microfiber gloves designed to wipe off dust from your plant leaves and make them shine again. These green thumb gloves are a must-have for any plant enthusiast looking to keep their plants healthy and flourishing. Microfiber material that magnetically attracts stubborn dust Can be used dry or damp Ideal for applying leaf shine or pest prevention treatments One size, stretchable to fit your green fingers

  • Terrarium brush - Wood - 60 cm long

    Terrarium brush - Wood - 60 cm long

    This extra long plant terrarium brush is useful for taking care of plants. The brush can be used to remove soil from plants and to clean the inside of the glass. Extra long handle Easy to use Handle made of wood 60 cm long

  • Kit fai da te terrario • Milky con bonsai • Ecosistema con piante • ↑ 30 cm

    Kit fai da te terrario • Milky con bonsai • Ecosistema con piante • ↑ 30 cm

    Kit terrario fai da te con bonsai Ficus Finseng Con un terrario porti a casa tua un piccolo biotopo autosufficiente. L'acqua viene riciclata attraverso l'evaporazione, quindi l'irrigazione non è o quasi non è necessaria. Super trendy e conveniente, vero? Lo pensavamo anche noi. Dimensioni: Ø 21 cm ↑ 30 cm Niente pollice verde? Nessun problema! I nostri terrari si prendono cura di se stessi. In molti casi basta innaffiarli più volte all'anno. In questo modo, puoi goderti il ​​verde infinito a casa o in ufficio. Ottieni tutte le cose buone e nessuna cattiva! I nostri mini ecosistemi sono davvero per tutti e si sentono a casa in qualsiasi interno. Buono a sapersi; tutti i nostri ecosistemi vengono consegnati come kit fai-da-te, quindi dovrai assemblarli tu stesso dopo il ricevimento. Ma ancora una volta non preoccuparti, perché spiegheremo tutto ciò che devi sapere sul tuo ecosistema in cinque passaggi. Cosa è incluso? Bicchiere con tappo in sughero (30 cm di altezza e 21 cm di diametro) Piante; Bonsai di ficus ginseng Diverse palline di muschio verde Substrati  Carbone attivo Terriccio per terrari Piano passo dopo passo: creazione del proprio terrario Personale, sostenibile ed educativo Le nostre piante e i nostri muschi sono selezionati a mano dai coltivatori locali con la massima cura e amore. Qui vengono coltivati ​​nel modo più sostenibile possibile. In questo modo, le piante nella tua bottiglia di vetro prospereranno insieme e godrai del tuo ecosistema personale con le piante per molti anni a venire. Impariamo facendo. Creando voi stessi o con i vostri figli il vostro terrario con piante in bottiglia, imparate a conoscere in modo creativo le varie sfaccettature della terra e quindi le basi della nostra esistenza vivente. Pietra, terriccio, radici, piante, acqua e riciclaggio si uniscono in questo elemento creativo per la tua casa. Buono a sapersi Lavoriamo con impianti certificati MPS e vetreria riciclata. Le dimensioni e i colori delle piante vive possono variare. È anche possibile che, a causa della stagione, una pianta nella foto non sia disponibile. In tal caso riceverai una bellissima alternativa. Si consiglia di aprire il proprio ecosistema una volta al mese per alcune ore. Suggerimento regalo per il tuo amante, famiglia, amico o collega  Un bel regalo per il tuo amico green, ma sicuramente anche per il tuo amico meno green. Lui o lei non ha il pollice verde? Quindi segui tu stesso i cinque passaggi e realizzalo tu stesso per lui o per lei. Bella storia, vero? Puoi lasciare che il tuo amico "ho il pollice verde" capisca tutto da solo! Regalo come regalo di compleanno, regalo di inaugurazione della casa o qualsiasi altra occasione ti venga in mente. È un regalo diverso e unico. Questa volta, regala la bottiglia ma tieni il liquore. Cioè, se riesci a regalarlo... Scommettiamo che questo speciale colpo d'occhio avrà un posto nel tuo interno in pochissimo tempo. Guarda tutti i terrari e crea la tua giungla urbana!

  • Mister per piante in vetro trasparente - 0,25 litri

    Mister per piante in vetro trasparente - 0,25 litri

    Durante la coltivazione delle piante, ma anche in seguito, un irroratore per piante è uno strumento indispensabile per ogni giardiniere quando si prende cura delle piante. Il getto fine fa in modo che durante la semina il terreno si inumidisca senza lavare via i semi. Le piante assorbono l'acqua attraverso le foglie e non solo con le radici. Spruzzare le foglie delle piante da interno e da esterno, soprattutto quando c'è una bassa umidità. Può essere usato con una mano Uno spray sottile Serbatoio di vetro

  • Hoya Kerrii - Heartplant - ↑ 10 cm - ⌀ 6 cm

    Hoya Kerrii - Heartplant - ↑ 10 cm - ⌀ 6 cm

    The Hoya Kerrii, also known as the Sweetheart Plant, is a charming houseplant originating from the lush landscapes of Southeast Asia. Its unique, heart-shaped leaves are not only a symbol of love and care but also a striking decoration that adds warmth and personality to any space. Whether you are an experienced plant collector or a budding green thumb looking for an easy-to-care-for plant, the Hoya Kerrii is a perfect choice. Care This plant requires little maintenance but gives a lot back. The Hoya Kerrii prefers bright locations but should not be placed in direct sunlight. A spot in the home with a temperature around 21°C is ideal. It is important to regularly spray the plant with water to increase the humidity. Growth The Hoya Kerrii grows very slowly, but if there is no significant growth after a few years, something may be wrong. Therefore, make sure the plant gets enough light. The plant will not grow in low light conditions.

  • Hygrometer ↑ 28 cm

    Hygrometer ↑ 28 cm

    Keep a close eye on the humidity of your plants with this compact and accurate hygrometer. This tool is ideal for use because it is small and lightweight. Additionally, it is easy to place or carry. No complicated installation is required, just place it and read the measurements. ↑ 28 cm Material: ABS, copper

  • Terrarium DIY Kit - Milky Coffea with Light - Bottle Garden - ↑ 31 cm

    Terrarium DIY Kit - Milky Coffea with Light - Bottle Garden - ↑ 31 cm

    With a plant terrarium from urbanjngl, you get a real eyecatcher in your home or office. You do not need to have a green thumb or plant knowledge to enjoy this beautiful piece of nature in your home or office. Our plant terrariums are completely self-sufficient and watering is often only necessary a few times a year. Size: Ø 17 cm ↑ 31 cm A plant terrarium looks beautiful, is self-sufficient and sustainable. Moreover, it is also fun to put together your own piece of nature. A lovely Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kit with everything you need to put together your own plant terrarium. Get to work quickly to enjoy your own mini-jungle! What’s in the package?  Terrarium Cork with led light Plants; Coffea arabica Fittonia white Plenty of fresh green moss Hydro pellets  Activated carbon  Terrarium potting soil Step-by-step plan for creating your closed terrarium Care tips Do-It-yourself packageOur plant terrariums come as a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) package. Upon receipt, you will assemble your new green friend in no time using the easy 5-step plan. But don't worry, everything you need to know about your plant terrarium is explained to you in 5 simple steps. Sustainable patch of greenOur plants and mosses grow on a bed of love at our nursery. They are selected with the greatest care and undergo a quality check in our own plant workshop. So you can always assume that our plants and mosses are of the best quality and have taken the shortest possible route. So you can be sure of making a sustainable choice and we guarantee you the best quality you can enjoy for years to come.  Gift tipWe understand that you would prefer to keep our plant terrariums yourself, but they are also great fun to give as gifts. A family member, friend, colleague, business associate, acquaintance or maybe even the teacher: you will make them all equally happy. Quick links to create an urban jungle Terrariums Houseplants Terrarium plants Moss products Terrarium supplies

  • Easyplant • Coffea Arabica • Terrario Kit fai da te

    Easyplant • Coffea Arabica • Terrario Kit fai da te

    La pianta d'appartamento vivente che devi annaffiare solo una volta! Easyplant Jar è la pianta d'appartamento verde vivente che devi annaffiare solo una volta. Dopo averlo ricevuto, innaffia Easyplant 1x, chiudilo ermeticamente e posiziona il tuo nuovo amico verde nel tuo interno senza doversi preoccupare. Comodo, vero? Lo abbiamo pensato anche noi! Cosa è incluso nel pacchetto Easyplant? Pianta facile Vaso italiano (dimensioni: 28x18 cm) Chiusura staffa in acciaio inox Pianta d'appartamento Vaso di terracotta Panno per la pulizia Misuratore Manuale utente Suggerimenti per la cura Come funziona Easyplant? Chiudendo il tuo Easyplant si crea un mini ecosistema. All'interno di questo ecosistema chiuso, l'acqua viene assorbita dalla pianta e la pianta assorbe l'anidride carbonica dall'aria. La luce del giorno assicura che la pianta produca ossigeno per vivere durante il giorno e la notte. Questo processo si ripete ogni giorno, così puoi goderti la tua pianta d'appartamento. Senza doversi preoccupare. Visualizza tutti i terrari fai-da-te

  • Battery-operated String Lights - 1 meter - Warm White - 20 LED Lights

    Battery-operated String Lights - 1 meter - Warm White - 20 LED Lights

    This 20-light string of lights offers endless possibilities for decorative use and is particularly suitable as terrarium lighting. The flexible light string allows you to decorate it exactly as you wish in your plant terrarium or other objects such as a Christmas arrangement, windowsill, lantern, or tray. The string lights consist of two parts: a lit length of 1 meter with 20 warm white LED lights and a 25 cm lead wire to the battery box. The lighting is powered by 2 AA batteries (not included). The battery box features an on/off switch.

  • Kit Terrario fai da te • Uovo Coffea Arabica • Ecosistema in Uovo di Vetro • ↑ 25 cm

    Kit Terrario fai da te • Uovo Coffea Arabica • Ecosistema in Uovo di Vetro • ↑ 25 cm

    Terrario con pianta in un uovo di vetro  Niente pollice verde? Nessun problema! I nostri terrari si prendono totalmente cura di se stessi. In molti casi devi solo annaffiarli più volte all'anno. In questo modo, puoi goderti una vegetazione infinita a casa o in ufficio. Ottieni tutte le cose buone e nessuna cattiva! Dimensioni: Ø 12 cm ↑ 25cmTerrarium Egg Coffea Arabica viene fornito come un pacchetto fai-da-te (fai da te). Riceverai tutto il necessario per realizzare il tuo terrario a casa. Cosa è incluso nel pacchetto fai da te del terrario? Barattolo da terrario con sughero Pianta di caffè Arabica Idrogranuli Carbone attivo Terreno da vaso Muschio verde fresco Pietre decorative (non mostrate nella foto del prodotto) Suggerimenti per la cura Guida passo-passo fai-da-te  I nostri mini ecosistemi sono davvero per tutti e si sentono a casa in ogni interno. Buono a sapersi; tutti i nostri ecosistemi vengono consegnati come kit fai-da-te, quindi dovrai assemblarlo da solo dopo averlo ricevuto. Ma ancora una volta non preoccuparti, perché spiegheremo tutto ciò che devi sapere sul tuo ecosistema in cinque passaggi. Personale, sostenibile ed educativo Le nostre piante e muschi sono selezionati a mano dai coltivatori locali con la massima cura e amore. Qui vengono coltivati ​​nel modo più sostenibile possibile. In questo modo, le piante nella tua bottiglia di vetro sono garantite per prosperare insieme e ti godrai il tuo ecosistema personale con le piante per molti anni a venire. Impariamo facendo. Creando il tuo terrario con piante in bottiglia tu stesso o con i tuoi bambini impari a conoscere le varie sfaccettature della terra e quindi le basi della nostra esistenza in modo creativo. Pietra, terriccio, radici, piante, acqua e riciclaggio si uniscono in questo creativo eye-catcher per la tua casa. Buono a sapersi Lavoriamo con impianti certificati MPS e vetreria riciclata. Le dimensioni e i colori delle piante vive possono variare. È anche possibile che, a causa della stagione, una pianta nella foto non sia disponibile. In tal caso riceverai una bellissima alternativa. Si consiglia di aprire il tuo ecosistema una volta al mese per alcune ore. Consiglio regalo per il tuo amante, famiglia, amico o collega  Un grande regalo per il tuo amico verde, ma sicuramente anche per il tuo amico meno verde. Lui o lei non ha il pollice verde? Quindi segui tu stesso i cinque passaggi e realizzalo tu stesso per lui o per lei. Bella storia, vero? Puoi lasciare che il tuo amico "Ho il pollice verde" capisca tutto da solo! Regalalo come regalo di compleanno, regalo di inaugurazione della casa o qualsiasi altra occasione ti venga in mente. È un regalo diverso e unico. Questa volta regala la bottiglia ma tieni il liquore. Cioè, se riesci a regalarlo... Scommettiamo che questo speciale eye-catcher avrà un posto nel tuo interno in pochissimo tempo. Guarda tutti i terrari e crea la tua giungla urbana!

  • Terrarium with cork - Teddy - Closed terrarium ↑ 26.5 cm

    Terrarium with cork - Teddy - Closed terrarium ↑ 26.5 cm

    Sturdy and solid round terrarium bottle with cork. Made from recycled glassware. Height: 26.5 cmDiameter: 25 cmColour: Clear glass with green tintPacked: Per pieceMaterial: Recycled GlasswareEAN: 8717336299788 Terrarium supplies Complete your terrarium and view all our terrarium supplies here. Need larger numbers? For larger quantities, please contact us via or view our B2B page.

  • Candleholder - Leaves and birds - ↑ 33 cm

    Candleholder - Leaves and birds - ↑ 33 cm

    This candle holder brings a touch of nature, color, and elegance into your home. With beautiful leaves in a shade of bronze and colorful birds perched on the branches, it has a unique appearance. This candle holder is truly an eye-catcher for both indoor and outdoor settings. Size: 17 x 9 x 33 cm Material: Polystone

  • Mini pot - Anthracite matt - 7 cm

    Mini pot - Anthracite matt - 7 cm

    Flower pot Anthracite matt matte 7 cm from the urbanjngl collection fits into almost any stylish interior. The beautiful warm terra color of the pot subtly adds more color to your home. Create your own 'urban jungle' by placing a cute small houseplant in the pot. The pot is glazed, has a solid pattern, and is available in various colors. The diameter of this model is 7.5 cm, and the height is 6 cm. This pot is suitable for our plants with pot sizes of 5, 6, and 7 cm. Advice The given measurements are external dimensions, so the interior size may be slightly smaller. It is advisable to choose a plant with a smaller pot size than the pot size of the flower pot. This pot may be completely waterproof.

  • Bonsai shears S - 12 cm - Bonsai tool
  • Plant terrarium set - Coffea Arabica - 5 plants - Coffea Arabica - Palm - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Plant terrarium set - Coffea Arabica - 5 plants - Coffea Arabica - Palm - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Terrarium plant package with 5 plants - Coffea Arabica + Palm This Terrarium Plant Pack of 5 Plants is the perfect base for any terrarium. The package contains 5 different tropical plants, which together create a unique and colorful atmosphere in your terrarium. The plants have been specially selected to grow in a terrarium, which means they require little maintenance and are easy to maintain. What's in the package? Coffea Arabica - Coffee plant Mini-palm - Cordyline fruticosa 'Purple Compacta' Asparagus Fittonia White Tiger - Mosaic plant Fittonia Ruby Lime - Mosaic plant Not all plants are i.v.m. available throughout the seasons. If a certain variety is not in stock at our grower, you will receive a suitable alternative.

  • Plant terrarium set - Makoyana - 5 plants  - Palm - Calathea Makoyana - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Plant terrarium set - Makoyana - 5 plants - Palm - Calathea Makoyana - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Terrarium plant package with 5 plants - Makoyana + Palm This Terrarium Plant Pack of 5 Plants is the perfect base for any terrarium. The package contains 5 different tropical plants, which together create a unique and colorful atmosphere in your terrarium. The plants have been specially selected to grow in a terrarium, which means they require little maintenance and are easy to maintain. What's in the package? Calathea Lancifoila - Peacock plant Mini-palm - Cordyline fruticosa 'Purple Compacta' Asparagus Fittonia White Tiger - Mosaic plant Fittonia Ruby Lime - Mosaic plant Not all plants are i.v.m. available throughout the seasons. If a certain variety is not in stock at our grower, you will receive a suitable alternative.

  • Vendita -40% Stylish Water Sprayer 'Wild Flower' - Brown Glass - 21 cm

    Stylish Water Sprayer 'Wild Flower' - Brown Glass - 21 cm

    Meet your new brown companion: the "Watering Can 'Wild Flower' - Brown S". Perfect for anyone who nurtures their plants with love (and a touch of style). This brown gem is your go-to for daily watering and also looks fabulous among your greenery. Small yet mighty, and just the thing to give your garden, balcony, or houseplants that extra special something. Watering turns into a delight with the Wild Flower. Durability? Check! This watering can is crafted from sturdy materials for long-lasting enjoyment. Pamper your green oasis with the love it needs and let your plants glow with this beauty of a watering can. With our 2 prints, it is always a surprise what you get. But it will always be perfect.

    € 9,95€ 5,95

  • Maranta Leuconeura Fascinator Lemon Lime - Ø12cm - ↑ 30cm

    Maranta Leuconeura Fascinator Lemon Lime - Ø12cm - ↑ 30cm

    The Maranta Leuconeura 'Fascinator Lemon Lime', set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 30 cm tall, is an enchanting indoor plant known for its striking leaf patterns. The leaves of this special Maranta variety display a vibrant mix of green, yellow, and sometimes subtle pink accents, making each leaf a small piece of art. This plant, also known as the Prayer Plant, is ideal for plant enthusiasts looking to enrich their interior with a colorful and dynamic plant that is relatively easy to care for. The 'Fascinator Lemon Lime' thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in less light conditions, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can damage the delicate leaves. The Maranta Leuconeura 'Fascinator Lemon Lime' requires regular watering, with the soil needing to stay evenly moist but without waterlogging. With its beautiful leaf patterns and easy care, the 'Fascinator Lemon Lime' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a cheerful note.

  • Ultima scorta! Candle Holder - Hummingbird ↑ 17 cm

    Candle Holder - Hummingbird ↑ 17 cm

    Elevate your space with the Hummingbird candle holder. Its compact size and exquisite design add a whimsical charm, ideal for brightening up any indoor area. Size: 11x11x17 cm 

  • Sarracenia Farnhamii (Pitcher Plant) ↑ 40 cm

    Sarracenia Farnhamii (Pitcher Plant) ↑ 40 cm

    The Sarracenia Farnhamii, with a pot diameter of 12 cm and standing at 40 cm tall, is an intriguing addition to any plant collection. This carnivorous plant, also known as the North American Pitcher Plant, uniquely captures insects with its colorful, funnel-shaped leaves. Place it in a sunny spot indoors; this carnivore loves lots of light! Caring for the Sarracenia Farnhamii is different from your average houseplant. It prefers rainwater or distilled water, as it is sensitive to minerals in tap water. Make sure the soil remains consistently moist. During winter, the soil can be a bit drier as the plant goes into dormancy. A fascinating and easy-to-care-for plant, perfect for those wanting to add something unique to their green collection.

  • Bonsai twig shears slim - 20,5 cm - Bonsai tool
  • Bonsai shears L - 19 cm - Bonsai tool
  • Candle Holder - Hummingbird ↑ 26 cm

    Candle Holder - Hummingbird ↑ 26 cm

    Bring vibrancy to your home with the 26 cm Hummingbird candle holder. Its detailed design and lively appearance make it a captivating addition to any room. Size: 11x11x26 cm

  • Glow In The Dark Ghosts - 6pcs - 2,5 - 3,5 cm

    Glow In The Dark Ghosts - 6pcs - 2,5 - 3,5 cm

    These are your new ghosts for your home, Glow in the Dark 'Ghost' Planthero’s. A super cute set of 6 ghosts. Each is about 2.5 - 3.5 cm tall and is made out of resin. Available in Glow-in-the-dark:🟦 Blue (6 pcs/ 1 set) 📦 We ship your order in one business day📏 2,5 - 3,5 cm tall —They're here to give your plant-space or terrarium an evening vibe. With their glow-in-the-dark superpowers, they not only bring life to your green urban jungle during the day but also ensure a mysterious look and glow as soon as the sun goes down. With our Glow in the Dark 'Ghost' PlantHero, you make your houseplant or plant terrarium shine extra. Each PlantHero figure is ready to stand next to your houseplant or terrarium, big or small. Whether they're hidden among the leaves of your Monstera or keeping watch in your plant terrarium, these luminous little heroes complete your urban jungle. It's time to make your plant collection shine not just during the day but also at night!

  • Candleholder - Green Bird - ↑ 34 cm

    Candleholder - Green Bird - ↑ 34 cm

    Bring elegance into your home with this artistic candle holder. This candle holder provides the perfect balance between nature and design and is ideal for use during special occasions such as dinners, parties, or romantic evenings. It adds luxury to any interior but is also a perfect gift for lovers of unique and elegant home decor. 10 x 10 x 34 cm Material: Polystone

  • Candle Holder - Pink Parrot ↑ 26 cm

    Candle Holder - Pink Parrot ↑ 26 cm

    Inject a burst of color into your space with the 26 cm Pink Parrot candle holder. Its vibrant pink hue and playful design make it a lively addition to any setting. Size: 10 x 26 cm

  • Sarracenia Venosa (Venosa Pitcher Plant) ↑ 20 cm

    Sarracenia Venosa (Venosa Pitcher Plant) ↑ 20 cm

    The Sarracenia Venosa, set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 20 cm tall, is a fascinating carnivorous plant known for its unique, colorful pitchers that lure and trap insects. This plant, also known as the Trumpet Pitcher Plant, is a striking addition to any indoor plant collection, especially for enthusiasts of unusual and exotic species. The 'Venosa' not only offers an intriguing visual spectacle with its red and green hues but also helps to naturally control pests indoors. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light and requires regular watering, preferring rainwater or distilled water to maintain the soil's acidity. The Sarracenia Venosa grows best in a moist environment, so it's advisable to place the pot on a saucer of water, allowing the plant to absorb water from the bottom. Overwintering requires a cooler, dormant period to come back vigorously in the spring. With proper care, the Sarracenia Venosa is not just a captivating focal point but also a practical choice for naturally reducing insects indoors.

  • Scindapsus Pictus Trebie (Silvery Ann Pothos) ↑ 15 cm

    Scindapsus Pictus Trebie (Silvery Ann Pothos) ↑ 15 cm

    The Scindapsus Pictus 'Trebie', set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 15 cm tall, is an elegant and low-maintenance indoor plant known for its heart-shaped, velvety leaves adorned with striking silver speckles. This variety of Scindapsus, also known as Satin Pothos, is perfect for those looking to add a touch of refinement and natural beauty to their interior. The 'Trebie' is ideal for creating a lush, green atmosphere in any space. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to maintain the delicate leaf patterns. The Scindapsus Pictus 'Trebie' requires moderate watering; the soil should be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. With its attractive leaf patterns and easy care, the 'Trebie' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of refinement.

  • Jar Terrarium Kit - Table Christmas Tree - Bottle Garden - With Lighting - ↑ 28 cm

    Jar Terrarium Kit - Table Christmas Tree - Bottle Garden - With Lighting - ↑ 28 cm

    Tired of needles around the house around the holidays? This is a thing of the past with plant terrarium Milky Christmas. The 28 cm high bottle with swing top closure comes as a complete Do-It-Yourself package and with a mini Christmas tree (Picea Glauca 'Conica) and LED lighting. Put it on tables during Christmas dinner or cozy next to your Christmas star on the windowsill! Dimensions: Ø 18 cm ↑ 28 cm Lighting: 20 LED lights warm white (excluding 2 AA batteries) Place it near the Christmas tree, on the windowsill or on the table during Christmas dinner. The JAR Christmas tree edition is a self-sufficient biotope that you no longer have to worry about. You close the glass jar with the supplied bracket, so that the water remains in the bottle through evaporation. Handy, right? We thought so too.No green fingers? No worries. The JAR comes with everything you need to create your own mini ecosystem of bottled plants at home or in the office. Follow the five steps on the included step-by-step plan and you will have built your own plant terrarium in less than 15 minutes.Our terrariums are real everyone's friends that feel at home in any interior. Good to know; all our ecosystems are delivered as a Do-It-Yourself kit (DIY), so you have to assemble it yourself after receiving it. But don't worry here either, we explain everything you need to know about your ecosystem in 5 steps. Tip: Order a plant terrarium refill package after the holidays and place your table Christmas tree without a bottle in the garden. But build this up (otherwise the transition to the cold weather outside will be too great). So, for example, first a few days in the garage or shed and then outside.

  • Watering aid - Watering hanging plants - Watering can - 42 cm

    Watering aid - Watering hanging plants - Watering can - 42 cm

    This convenient watering aid makes watering your hanging plants extremely easy. With this system, nothing can go wrong, and each hanging plant receives exactly the amount of water it needs. Easy to use due to the built-in pump function Volume: 0.5 liters Dimensions: Length 12.3 cm x Diameter 7.2 cm x Height 41.2 cm

  • Terrarium DIY Kit - Big Paul Jungle - Bottle Garden - ↑ 40 cm

    Terrarium DIY Kit - Big Paul Jungle - Bottle Garden - ↑ 40 cm

    DIY Terrarium with green plants in a bottle With a plant terrarium from urbanjngl, you get a real eyecatcher in your home or office. You do not need to have a green thumb or plant knowledge to enjoy this beautiful piece of nature in your home or office. Our plant terrariums are completely self-sufficient and watering is often only necessary a few times a year. Size without light:  Ø 31 cm ↑ 39 cm Size with light:  Ø 31 cm ↑ 46 cm A plant terrarium looks beautiful, is self-sufficient and sustainable. Moreover, it is also fun to put together your own piece of nature. A lovely Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kit with everything you need to put together your own plant terrarium. Get to work quickly to enjoy your own mini-jungle! What’s in the package?  Terrarium (with or without LED light) Plants; Fittonia Calathea Coffea arabica  Plenty of fresh green moss Hydro pellets  Activated carbon  Terrarium potting soil Step-by-step plan for creating your closed terrarium Care tips Do-It-yourself packageOur plant terrariums come as a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) package. Upon receipt, you will assemble your new green friend in no time using the easy 5-step plan. But don't worry, everything you need to know about your plant terrarium is explained to you in 5 simple steps. Sustainable patch of greenOur plants and mosses grow on a bed of love at our nursery. They are selected with the greatest care and undergo a quality check in our own plant workshop. So you can always assume that our plants and mosses are of the best quality and have taken the shortest possible route. So you can be sure of making a sustainable choice and we guarantee you the best quality you can enjoy for years to come.  Gift tipWe understand that you would prefer to keep our plant terrariums yourself, but they are also great fun to give as gifts. A family member, friend, colleague, business associate, acquaintance or maybe even the teacher: you will make them all equally happy. Quick links to create an urban jungle Terrariums Houseplants Terrarium plants Moss products Terrarium supplies

  • Candle Holder - Blue Parrot ↑ 26 cm

    Candle Holder - Blue Parrot ↑ 26 cm

    Add a touch of the exotic with the 26 cm Blue Parrot candle holder. Its vibrant color and unique design create a captivating focal point in any space. Size: 10 x 9 x 25 cm

  • Mini pruning shears - Black

    Mini pruning shears - Black

    Color: Black Dimensions: 2,5 x 10,5 cm

  • Candle Holder with White Bird - ↑ 40 cm

    Candle Holder with White Bird - ↑ 40 cm

    This candle holder with a white bird is a stylish decorative piece for the home. Naturally, the candle holder is used to hold one candle, but it is also a unique accessory for any interior. 15 x 13 x 40 cm  Material: polyresin

  • Candle Holder - Toucan Multicolor ↑ 30 cm

    Candle Holder - Toucan Multicolor ↑ 30 cm

    Illuminate your space with this vibrant, multicolored candle holder. Its playful design and bright hues add warmth and style to any setting, perfect for both indoor and outdoor decor. Size: 10 x 30 cm

  • Chic Hotel plant set | Pairs of Phalaenopsis orchids and succulents - Ceramic pots included

    Chic Hotel plant set | Pairs of Phalaenopsis orchids and succulents - Ceramic pots included

    Is the chic theme just for parties? Not at all, with the complete Hotel Chic plant set, every day can be chic. A beautiful set that fits elegant, bold, and chic interiors. In the set, you'll find the Face-2-Face pot and Groove pots for a playful twist, Monkey long tail, and a golden tray. Accompanying the set is the purple Morelia orchid along with Succulents in the pots. The Phalaenopsis orchid boasts 2 to 3 branches. Orchid Care: Water your orchid once a week by submerging the grow pot in water. Afterward, let the orchid drain well before placing the houseplant back in the decorative pot. Choose a bright spot, but away from direct sunlight, with room temperatures between 18 and 21 degrees Celsius. Also, do not place the orchid near a heater or radiator. Packaging & Delivery: Our plants are shipped directly from our nursery to you. They are packed in a specially developed shipping box that ensures plants and pots do not get damaged during shipping. *As we deal with living products, the varieties shown may have slight variations from the photos.

  • Clusia Rosea Princess (Pig Plant) ↑ 15 cm

    Clusia Rosea Princess (Pig Plant) ↑ 15 cm

    The Clusia Rosea Princess, also known as the Piggyback Plant, is a charming addition for any plant enthusiast. Standing at a modest height of 15 cm, she fits easily on any desk or windowsill. Her glossy, leathery leaves in a deep green color bring a tropical vibe to your room. This little powerhouse is surprisingly easy to care for. She prefers bright, indirect light and moderate watering. Ensure that the soil dries out slightly between waterings. The Clusia Rosea Princess is an ideal choice for beginner plant lovers or anyone wanting to add a touch of green to their space without much fuss.

  • Vendita -49%Ultima scorta! Vase Ocher yellow ↑ 26 cm - Ø 15 cm

    Vase Ocher yellow ↑ 26 cm - Ø 15 cm

    Vase Ocher yellow ↑ 26 cm - Ø 15 cm

    € 24,50€ 12,50

  • Plant terrarium set - Lancifolia - 5 plants - Palm - Calathea Lancifolia - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Plant terrarium set - Lancifolia - 5 plants - Palm - Calathea Lancifolia - Asparagus - Red & White Fittonia

    Terrarium plant package with 5 plants - Makoyana + Palm This Terrarium Plant Pack of 5 Plants is the perfect base for any terrarium. The package contains 5 different tropical plants, which together create a unique and colorful atmosphere in your terrarium. The plants have been specially selected to grow in a terrarium, which means they require little maintenance and are easy to maintain. What's in the package? Calathea Lancifoila - Peacock plant Mini-palm - Cordyline fruticosa 'Purple Compacta' Asparagus Fittonia White Tiger - Mosaic plant Fittonia Ruby Lime - Mosaic plant Not all plants are i.v.m. available throughout the seasons. If a certain variety is not in stock at our grower, you will receive a suitable alternative.

  • Ficus Lyrata (Fiddle Leaf Fig) ↑ 180 cm

    Ficus Lyrata (Fiddle Leaf Fig) ↑ 180 cm

    The Ficus Lyrata Bush, a stunning plant standing at 180 cm in a Ø30 cm pot, is a true beauty for any plant enthusiast. This 'Fiddle Leaf Fig' is loved for its large, glossy leaves that add an exotic and elegant touch to any interior. The Ficus Lyrata needs a bright spot in your home but avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn. This plant likes a stable environment and does not tolerate extreme temperature fluctuations. In terms of watering, the Ficus Lyrata likes evenly moist soil, but ensure no waterlogging. This makes it suitable for those who enjoy a challenge and are willing to give some extra care to their green friend. With its imposing stature and striking leaves, the Ficus Lyrata Bush is a noticeable and stylish addition to any home.

  • Tillandsia King Xero (Air Plant) ↑ 23 cm

    Tillandsia King Xero (Air Plant) ↑ 23 cm

    De Tillandsia 'King Xero', geplaatst in een Ø12 cm pot en met een hoogte van ongeveer 23 cm, is een unieke en onderhoudsarme kamerplant uit de bromeliafamilie, bekend om zijn vermogen om voedingsstoffen en vocht direct uit de lucht te halen. Deze luchtplant, ook wel bekend als 'Xerographica', valt op door zijn zilverachtige, krullende bladeren die in een opvallende rozetvorm groeien. De 'King Xero' is perfect voor liefhebbers van ongewone planten en voegt een exotisch en artistiek element toe aan elk interieur. Deze plant gedijt het beste in helder, indirect licht en heeft weinig water nodig, waardoor het een ideale keuze is voor mensen die een gemakkelijk te verzorgen plant zoeken. In tegenstelling tot veel andere kamerplanten, heeft de Tillandsia 'King Xero' geen grond nodig om te groeien; hij absorbeert water en voedingsstoffen door zijn bladeren. Regelmatig sproeien of onderdompelen in water volstaat om deze plant gehydrateerd te houden. Met zijn unieke uiterlijk en minimale verzorgingsbehoeften is de 'King Xero' een prachtige aanvulling op elke plantencollectie, die zowel visuele interesse als een vleugje natuurlijke schoonheid biedt.

  • Pilea Peperomioides - Ø12cm - ↑  20cm

    Pilea Peperomioides - Ø12cm - ↑ 20cm

    The Pilea Peperomioides, set in a Ø12 cm pot and standing at about 20 cm tall, is known as the Chinese Money Plant due to its unique, round leaves that resemble coins. This trendy and low-maintenance indoor plant is perfect for modern design enthusiasts looking to enrich their interior with a playful and contemporary element. The 'Peperomioides' is ideal for adding a touch of green to small spaces such as desks or windowsills. This plant thrives best in bright, indirect light but can also survive well in partial shade, making it a versatile choice for various home environments. Direct sunlight should be avoided to prevent damage to the leaves. The Pilea Peperomioides requires moderate watering; the soil should be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. With its attractive leaf shape and easy care, the 'Peperomioides' is an excellent addition to any plant collection, offering both visual interest and a sense of cheerfulness.

  • Mini pot - Panna White matt - 7 cm

    Mini pot - Panna White matt - 7 cm

    Flower pot Panna White matte 7 cm from the urbanjngl collection fits into almost any stylish interior. The beautiful warm terra color of the pot subtly adds more color to your home. Create your own 'urban jungle' by placing a cute small houseplant in the pot. The pot is glazed, has a solid pattern, and is available in various colors. The diameter of this model is 7.5 cm, and the height is 6 cm. This pot is suitable for our plants with pot sizes of 5, 6, and 7 cm. Advice The given measurements are external dimensions, so the interior size may be slightly smaller. It is advisable to choose a plant with a smaller pot size than the pot size of the flower pot. This pot may be completely waterproof.

  • Candle Holder - Lime Gold

    Candle Holder - Lime Gold

    Brighten your home with the refreshing lime candle holder. Its zesty green color and sleek design bring a fresh and modern touch to any interior. Sizes: ‎ 10 x 10 x 19 cm 11 x 10 x 24 cm

  • Cutting Stand - 1 glass vase - Hydroponic vase for cuttings - Wooden - Cultivation station

    Cutting Stand - 1 glass vase - Hydroponic vase for cuttings - Wooden - Cultivation station

    This propagation station is a perfect addition for expanding your Urban Jungle and cultivating your own cuttings. You have the flexibility to choose the number of cuttings you want to grow simultaneously, depending on the size of your propagation station.  1 glass vase: 13,6 x 6,5 x 14,5 cm This makes it an ideal gift for your loved ones on any occasion, whether as a present, a token of gratitude, or simply a small gesture. Moreover, if you prefer not to gift the entire propagation station, those around you will surely appreciate the small seedlings you have nurtured yourself. The breeding station is delivered in separate parts and can be easily and quickly assembled with the provided assembly instructions.

  • Candle Holder - Loving Bird ↑ 35 cm

    Candle Holder - Loving Bird ↑ 35 cm

    Add a splash of color to your decor with the Lovingbird Candle Holder. Its vibrant, detailed design brings life to any space, making it a delightful addition indoors or out. Size: 11 x 9,5 x 35 cm 

Hai visto 144 prodotti su 354

People choose artificial plants for several reasons. One of these reasons is that an artificial plant cannot wilt and always remains beautiful. For example, you may want to put a plant or several plants in a place that is difficult to reach, such as in a shop window or in a high place. It could also be that the plant needs to be somewhere with a lot of light and a real plant would shrivel in the process. The reverse is also possible, for example if you want a plant in your toilet, bathroom or any other place without a window or little light. Plants need light to live, so then an artificial plant is the best choice.

Large artificial plants

Large artificial plants are an emerging trend in interior decoration and offer a pleasant green look to a room. Unlike real plants, artificial plants require no care and will not wilt. This makes them ideal for people who do not have a green thumb or for places where caring for real plants is difficult, such as offices, public areas or places with little to no daylight.

Artificial plants come in different shapes and sizes and can be made of different materials, including plastic, fabric and even papier-mâché. This makes them suitable for any interior, regardless of style. Whether you are looking for an artificial cactus for your industrially decorated home or a beautiful dark green XL artificial plant for a romantic bedroom, there is always a large artificial plant available to suit your personal taste and interior.

Large artificial plants are also a great way to draw attention to specific areas of a room. For example, if you want to fill a corner, you can place a large artificial plant there. Or, if you want to fill a blank wall, you can put a series of smaller artificial plants in front or next to it. This will not only improve the look of the room, but also create a sense of nature and tranquillity.

Artificial plants will always look the same

Unlike real plants, artificial plants will always look the same. This makes them a more durable option for the long term and you will continue to enjoy them for years.

All in all, large artificial plants are an excellent addition to any interior. Whether you are looking for a way to brighten up your home or make your office more pleasant.

What are the benefits from Artificial plants 

In recent years, artificial plants have become increasingly popular as a way to add some greenery to our homes and offices without the hassle of maintenance. Not only are they convenient, but they also offer a range of benefits that go beyond just aesthetics. In this article, we will explore the benefits of artificial plants and why they are a great addition to any space.


  1. Low Maintenance

Artificial plants require very little maintenance compared to their living counterparts. They do not need water, sunlight or fertilizer, making them ideal for busy individuals who do not have the time or resources to care for live plants. With artificial plants, you can enjoy the beauty of greenery without the added responsibility.


  1. Cost-Effective

While some high-end artificial plants may come with a hefty price tag, in the long run, they are a more cost-effective option compared to live plants. You will not have to worry about the ongoing costs associated with maintaining live plants such as water, soil, fertilizer, and replacement when they die. Artificial plants can last for years with minimal maintenance, making them a worthwhile investment.


  1. Versatility

Artificial plants are available in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors, making them versatile enough to fit any decor. Whether you are looking for a small tabletop plant or a large statement piece, you can find an artificial plant that fits your space perfectly. You can also use artificial plants in areas where live plants would not thrive, such as dimly lit rooms or spaces with temperature fluctuations.


  1. Allergen-Free

For those with allergies or sensitivities to plant pollen or soil, artificial plants offer a great alternative. They do not release allergens, making them a hypoallergenic option that can be enjoyed by all. You can also avoid the potential mess associated with live plants, such as soil spills or fallen leaves.


  1. Eco-Friendly

While live plants are a great way to purify the air and promote a healthier environment, the production of artificial plants has come a long way in recent years. Many artificial plants are now made from recycled materials and are more environmentally friendly than ever before. Choosing artificial plants over live plants also reduces the carbon footprint associated with plant production and transportation.

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