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All Bonsai Trees

All Bonsai Trees

Each bonsai in our collection has its own unique personality. Discover the fascinating origin and spiritual meaning behind each tree and find the bonsai that suits you best. Get inspired by the history and symbolism of these special trees and choose the one that resonates with your style and character.

2 productos

  • Paquete de terrario de plantas Ficus ginseng Bonsai - Paquete de recarga y de inicio Kit de recarga de terrario de bricolaje

    Paquete de terrario de plantas Ficus ginseng Bonsai - Paquete de recarga y de inicio Kit de recarga de terrario de bricolaje

    Todo lo que necesitas para renovar por completo o construir tu terrario de plantas. Por supuesto, siempre es posible que las plantas de su terrario hayan comenzado a crecer un poco demasiado rápido, o que después de unos años las plantas de su terrario comiencen a cansarse un poco de vivir en el mismo "mundo". '. Con nuestro kit de recambio para terrarios de plantas, te aseguras de que tu terrario se verá completamente nuevo y fresco de nuevo. ¿Estás listo para un nuevo contenido para tu terrario de plantas o tienes tu propio frasco o botella de vidrio en el que quieres crear tu propio terrario cerrado o abierto con plantas? ¿Qué hay en nuestro paquete de recarga de terrario de plantas? Plantas de terrario (3 uds)  Café arábica Tigre blanco de Fittonia Llama del bosque de Fittonia/Lima rubí  Hidrogranos  Tierra para macetas de terrario  Musgo cojín vivo Pelets de carbón activado Consejos para el cuidado del terrario Guía paso a paso: cómo construir un terrario 

    € 26,50

  • Paquete de terrario para plantas - Bonsai 5 - Calathea Lancifolia - Bonsai - Espárrago - Fittonia Roja y Blanca - 5 plantas para terrario - Paquete de recarga y de inicio - Kit de terrario DIY

    Paquete de terrario para plantas - Bonsai 5 - Calathea Lancifolia - Bonsai - Espárrago - Fittonia Roja y Blanca - 5 plantas para terrario - Paquete de recarga y de inicio - Kit de terrario DIY

    Transforma tu espacio con un impresionante terrario de plantas! Tanto si estás empezando desde cero como si quieres revivir un terrario existente, este paquete tiene todo lo que necesitas para convertirlo en una jungla urbana frondosa. Qué incluye el paquete Plantas para Terrario (5 piezas): Sumérgete en un mundo diverso de vegetación con nuestras plantas cuidadosamente seleccionadas. El paquete incluye una Calathea Lancifolia, conocida por sus llamativos patrones de hojas; un resistente Bonsái; un helecho Asparagus con su follaje plumoso; y dos tipos de Fittonia - 'White Tiger' y 'Forest Flame / Ruby Lime'.   Abundante musgo verde fresco:  Hidro pellets: Carbón activado:  Suelo para terrario:  Plan paso a paso para crear tu terrario cerrado Consejos de cuidado:  Enlaces rápidos para crear una jungla urbana Terrarios Plantas de interior Plantas para terrarios Productos de musgo Suministros para terrarios Todo lo que necesitas para renovar por completo o construir tu terrario de plantas. Por supuesto, siempre es posible que las plantas de su terrario hayan comenzado a crecer un poco demasiado rápido, o que después de unos años las plantas de su terrario comiencen a cansarse un poco de vivir en el mismo "mundo". '. Con nuestro kit de recambio para terrarios de plantas, te aseguras de que tu terrario se verá completamente nuevo y fresco de nuevo. ¿Estás listo para un nuevo contenido para tu terrario de plantas o tienes tu propio frasco o botella de vidrio en el que quieres crear tu propio terrario cerrado o abierto con plantas? ¿Qué hay en nuestro paquete de recarga de terrario de plantas? Plantas de terrario (3 uds)  Café arábica Tigre blanco de Fittonia Llama del bosque de Fittonia/Lima rubí  Hidrogranos  Tierra para macetas de terrario  Musgo cojín vivo Pelets de carbón activado Consejos para el cuidado del terrario Guía paso a paso: cómo construir un terrario 

    € 32,50

Each bonsai in our collection has its own unique personality. Discover the fascinating origin and spiritual meaning behind each tree and find the bonsai that suits you best. Get inspired by the history and symbolism of these special trees and choose the one that resonates with your style and character. 

Bonsai trees have become increasingly popular as houseplants, and for good reason. These miniature trees are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they also bring a sense of calm and tranquility to any room they are placed in. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of having a bonsai tree as a houseplant, as well as some tips for caring for your bonsai tree and the tools you will need to do so.

Benefits of Having a Bonsai Tree as a Houseplant

One of the primary benefits of having a bonsai tree as a houseplant is the sense of peace and tranquility it brings to a room. Bonsai trees are often associated with the Japanese art of Zen, which emphasizes the importance of finding peace and balance in everyday life. Having a bonsai tree in your home can help create a sense of calm and relaxation that is perfect for unwinding after a long day.

In addition to their calming effects, bonsai trees are also great for purifying the air in your home. As with all plants, bonsai trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air. This can help improve the air quality in your home, making it a healthier place to live.

Caring for Your Bonsai Tree

Caring for a bonsai tree requires some specialized knowledge and tools, but with a little effort, it can be a rewarding experience. One of the most important things to keep in mind when caring for your bonsai tree is to make sure it receives the right amount of light, water, and nutrients.

Bonsai trees typically require a lot of sunlight, so it is important to place them in a location where they can get at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. If you are unable to provide this amount of sunlight, you may need to invest in a grow light to help supplement the natural light.

When it comes to watering your bonsai tree, it is important to strike a balance between not watering it enough and overwatering it. Bonsai trees have a small root system, so they require more frequent watering than traditional houseplants. However, you should be careful not to water them too much, as this can cause root rot and other problems. It is a good idea to check the soil moisture level regularly and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

In addition to sunlight and water, bonsai trees also require regular fertilization to thrive. There are a variety of bonsai fertilizers available on the market, and it is important to choose one that is appropriate for your specific type of bonsai tree. Fertilizing your bonsai tree once a month during the growing season can help ensure that it receives the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

Bonsai Tools

Caring for a bonsai tree requires some specialized tools, but they are relatively easy to obtain and use. One of the most important tools you will need is a pair of bonsai pruning shears. These shears are designed specifically for trimming bonsai trees, and they allow you to make precise cuts without damaging the tree.

In addition to pruning shears, you may also need a concave cutter for removing larger branches, as well as wire cutters for shaping the branches of your bonsai tree. A bonsai rake is also useful for removing debris from the soil, and a watering can with a fine nozzle can help you avoid overwatering your tree.

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